Stormy conditions

Because my experiments with the Sony A 6000 on Saturday were not quite crowned with success, I didn’t want to do any more experiments on Sunday, but rather fall back on tried and tested equipment.

After all, I had managed to get the A6000 up in the air with the help of the Flare-kite, despite a weak wind. But when adjusting the camera app I once again didn’t pay enough attention to the small print and the camera didn’t release. But at least now I know in retrospect what the settings should be like. Also a realization, even if a weak one.

While the wind was still quite moderate on Saturday, it had increased considerably overnight. At first I thought about whether KAP recordings make sense at all, but I came to the conclusion that a cautious attempt could not hurt.

Kanalhafen Hardenberg
Hardenberg canal harbor with harbor cranes

So the smallest, stable flying kite, in my case another Flare-kite with 1 m height, and my Minimal-RIG with the Canon S110 on the pendulum built up and released into the air. The measured wind force fluctuated between 4 Bft and 6 Bft in gusts, which were numerous.

Kanalhafen Hardenberg
Hardenberg canal harbor with Malakow tower and harbor cranes

Conclusion: one battery charge of aerial photos – a large number was not usable, but an equally large number showed exactly what I wanted to see. For the further testing of the Sony we are waiting for a more constant wind.


Translated by DeepL

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