Rendsburg-Picavet with miniature blocks

As a long-time user of a pendulum, I had long wanted to give the Picavet suspension a try. I have tried this suspension a few times, but what kept me from using a Picavet permanently was the annoying fiddling with the long cords, which always led to difficulties, especially in windy conditions, when I wanted to hang the suspension in the flying line. Handling the pendulum was simply easier and quicker for me. I also have the impression that the stability around the Z-axis is better with a pendulum.

Since the flying conditions were more than modest in our “winter time”, actually it just rained continuously, I sat down, made a few considerations and then ordered a few parts. I chose an H-shape, also classified as the Rendsburg type, made from wooden strips, made the line length slightly shorter than described in the literature and ordered ball-bearing blocks from the model shop for the line guide. There are 4 single-disc blocks at the bottom and 2 double blocks at the top.


On this occasion I also finished a RIG suitable for my Sony A6000.

A6000-Rig an einem Rendsburg-Picavet mit Miniatur-Blöcken

Now I’ve actually got everything together and the tests can begin. I just need to get the weather and wind right. And maybe I’ll become a Picavet user after all.

As people keep asking where to buy these miniature blocks, here is the address where I bought them: AJ-Modellbau in Remscheid/D

Translation by DeepL

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