Our photos

On this page I link to photos that show the topics this website deals with.
It is mainly about aerial photography, kites and their manufacturing, but also about photography. Especially about photos, which are made with the help of a kite.
To Kite Aerial Photography (KAP), the building of the necessary devices belongs, too. This topic is also treated pictorially.
The pictures are all hosted at Flickr, because I need less storage space at my provider.

For the pictures, which are taken from the kite, I currently use a Canon S110, a light and handy P&S-camera, which is also able to handle the RAW-format.
But most of the other pictures are also made with this camera, with which I am very satisfied and which currently has about 30 000 releases and hopefully will last for a long time.

KAP shots
My entire photo stream on Flickr

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