New year – old location

Now it’s time to start the new KAP year. After all, it was already mid-February when I finally managed to go flying again. And I can’t even blame it on wind and weather, but solely on my convenience.

Despite all the plans, this year’s equipment is still exactly the same as in 2020, but why change something that works well at all costs.

Unless you’ve found something that even better meets the conditions set. Like using a higher resolution camera with a better quality lens, for example. But more on that in the next post.

The place of action, because it was easy to reach by bike, was a meadow by the canal, not far from where we live. It was a bit chilly, but also sunny and dry.

First KAP of 2021
KAP 2021 on the Dortmund-Ems Kanal

And this year it was the same as before when walkers pass by and observe me doing my “unusual” hobby: positive comments and a friendly and approving atmosphere because of the kite in the air. A ray of hope in these times!

A resident and her little son from the nearby village did not miss the opportunity to come by very quickly when the son had spotted the kite in the sky. When I handed him the reel with the kite in the air, I could make out shining eyes.

To that there was also an aerial photograph of the house.

First KAP of 2021
Farmhouses in Dortmund-Holthausen from above

To sum up, I was more than satisfied with this first KAP session in 2021 and look forward to more flights. That is, if I’m not caught up by my laziness again.

Translated with DeepL

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