New pictures in old surroundings

Finally some new aerial photos.

After a general lack of enthusiasm and having overcome a viral infection, I finally managed to pull myself together and send a kite into the air.

During a cycle tour I noticed that the rape is already in bloom and could certainly make a nice motif. Unfortunately, the number of rapeseed fields in my neighbourhood hasn’t really increased this year either, but I still found something suitable.

Holthausen from above
The northern Dortmund suburb of Holthausen as seen from the dragon

A few days earlier I had been to the Dortmund-Ems Canal to test a kite in fairly strong and gusty winds.

I couldn’t resist and, despite some reservations, I hung the camera on the line. Fortunately, because the rowers training on the canal were a perfect subject

Training on the Dortmund-Ems Canal

Der Kanal
Looking north, you can see the coal-fired power station in Datteln on the horizon

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