Kappy 2024

Although a little late, I would first like to wish all visitors a Happy New Year 2024.

After weeks of waiting for better weather-either it was raining or it was windless and cold-there were finally days with good flying and light conditions again. So I didn’t think twice and went to a familiar location to get a feel for kaping. I chose the Hardenberg harbor on the Dortmund Ems Canal.

Not very winterly

Just a few days later, I was able to visit a new photo spot: the Humbert slag heap in Hamm. The conditions were a little more difficult here, as there was little space on the slag heap plateau with the prevailing wind direction, which was of course once again different to the forecast. And the wind was also much weaker than promised. But with Delta and a little later with the Flare I managed to get some usable pictures.

Das Haldenzeichen

straight down from above

I hope to take a few more aerial shots this year, let’s see if it works out.

See you soon on this channel

Translation by DeepL

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