Kites for KAP Beginners

Once you have decided to get into KAP one of the first problems you will need to solve is which kite to use. KAP kite flying is a little different to sport kiting in that the object is raise the camera without with a good margin of saftey and keep it in a steady position in the sky. Getting to know how your kite behaves in different wind speeds is very important before you trust it with a valued camera. Very large kites can be quite difficult to handle with out building up some experience with how KAP flying works with smaller ones first.
Always wear gloves when flying kites for KAP.
Here are 5 popular KAP kites that are proven from Bft 2 -4:

Fled 2.2 by Michael Anderson & Brooks Leffler

Fled3 spar sail2,3 m²2-3800 gBrooxes

Into the Wind “Levitation 7′ Delta” by Christoph Fokken

Levitation-DeltaDelta1,3 m²2-3500 gInto the Wind Kites

Into the Wind “Levitation 9′ Delta” by Christoph Fokken

Levitation-DeltaDelta1,9 m²800 gInto the Wind Kites

Flowform 2.0 by HQ Invento

Flowform 2.0Soft- sparless2 m²3-4900 g

Didak Explorer 2.7 und 1.6 by Ivo van Olmen

ExplorerStablos2.7/1.6 m²3-4900/700 g

“A characteristic of the KAP kite is: Wide wind range.
When I started doing KAP I had an Into The Wind parafoil that had about the narrowest wind range of any kite known to man. It would fly in about six knots, lift in about eight, and fall out of the sky in about ten. “Gawdawful” is how I’d describe it. Contrast that to any of the kites listed here , you can see the problem. It was utterly unsuited for KAP.” KAPer Tom Benedict

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