Flickr-Groups for KAPer

Since the question of pictures and information about KAP came up in the last KAPiZOOM meeting, I have listed the numerous groups that exist on Flickr on this topic here. Although these are no substitute for extensive literature, they can be helpful when looking for ideas and inspiration. For example, when looking at the solutions and further developments of other KAPers.

But these groups also live from the fact that we KAPers fill them with pictures. This means that we show our shots of landscapes, landmarks or rigs, kites and other KAP things. In my opinion, it makes little sense to publish everything scattered all over the internet on various platforms. You can still do that by linking the images from the Flickr groups.

Tour de force
About KAP


Saye campsite
Kite Aerial Photography (KAP)-Group

The kap banner is visiting Fanø
World Wide KAP Week

K.A.P rig komikite

World Wide Community Project Banner and selfie in NY 2019
World Wide KAP Project

KAP Bits

End of KAP session - Retrieving the PFK Super Delta.
KAP Kites

Užava Lighthouse Aerial
Kite Aerial Video & Photography Group (KAV&KAP)

Ventspils Harbour KAP

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