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New kites

A new kite and a makeover Let’s start with the redesign: I had already made the hexagon kite with the Dortmund coat of arms a little smaller, but after the…

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Kappy 2024

Although a little late, I would first like to wish all visitors a Happy New Year 2024. After weeks of waiting for better weather-either it was raining or it was…

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Miniatur-Blöcke zweischeibig

Rendsburg-Picavet with miniature blocks

Rendsburg-Picavet with miniature blocks As a long-time user of a pendulum, I had long wanted to give the Picavet suspension a try. I have tried this suspension a few times,…

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Sony A6000-Display mit Intervalometer-APP

Intervalometer for Sony A6000

I recently read a post in the KAP forum about an intervalometer for a Sony camera for aerial photography.The timer in this case was a mechanical/electronic solution, if I saw…

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Survey: Active KAPers 2023

The question has arisen in the KAP forum as to how many active KAPers there are still worldwide. The questioner is Pierre Lesage and he has the impression that the…

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The end of summer

is often associated with harvested fields and bales of straw. Here in Dortmund, the grain harvest was repeatedly delayed by the wet weather. The straw bales also lay in the…

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KAP camera does not work anymore

What was foreshadowed last year at the KAP meeting in Fanø actually happened: the lens of my Canon S110 extended only reluctantly and then unfortunately did not retract again. The…

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Blick auf Rindy

Fanø 2023

A few pictures from our holiday during the Kite Fliers Meeting 2023.  These are both aerial shots and pictures of kites in the sky, real kites, with sticks and stuff…

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Cody flies over Fanø

After I had paid close attention to the correct clamping when reassembling, the new cotton cody flew quite excellently. Cody short wing Of course, you have…

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Maiden flight in hazy weather

The short-winged cotton Cody has successfully completed its first flight. Cody kite on its maiden flight With an overcast sky over Fanø, it rose almost flawlessly in 4 Bft. I…

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Rape blossom time

Rape brings colour to the landscape! Since April and May are the rape blossom season, I went in search of some beautiful motifs for my aerial photographs. On my last…

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