
Stormy conditions

Because my experiments with the Sony A 6000 on Saturday were not quite crowned with success, I didn’t want to do any more experiments on Sunday, but rather fall back on tried and tested equipment. After all, I had managed to get the A6000 up in the air with the help of the Flare-kite, despite

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Dortmund Autumn

Finally I managed to do it again: I was able to pull myself together and take some KAP pictures of the autumnally coloured Grävingholz. As a “new pensioner” you have to get used to the new era and find your rhythm. The wind was quite fresh at times and also the clouds looked as if

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Dortmund from above

This time a view over “my” quarter in the north of Dortmund. My house is also on it. ? On the left side in the foreground the allotment garden association “Holthauser Heide” and the Grävingholz forest, in the middle of the picture you can see DO-Eving with the Barbara church and the former coal mine

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