About me

So that you know who is telling you something about kites, kite building and aerial photography.

The author

It all began more than 30 years ago on the beach in St. Peter-Ording when, after a lot of persuasion from my wife, I finally bought a Peter Powell stunt kite.After more or less successful attempts, I managed to conjure up the one or other desired figure in the sky.Over time, the stunt kites became more and more challenging until, after a few kite festivals, I became more interested in single line kites. Which hasn’t changed to this day.

In the photo above, that’s not me – I didn’t start kite flying that early after all.

Kite festival visits

at home and abroad

German Championships

Participation in 2 German championships in the cell kite class – with a 5th place in 1995 and a victory in 1998

Kite festival organiser

Together with Drachenfreunde Dortmund and DC Fantasy Mülheim, several kite festivals in Dortmund’s Westfalenpark

A short report on kite aerial photography on WDR (TV)

A short report in WDR-Lokalzeit shows more about me and my hobby

Frequently Asked Questions

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